Cuppa Joe Cafe
Website for the coffee shop I work at. Built with Next, hosted on Vercel. Worked with a graphic designer and the business owner to bring the owner's vision to life!
Originally a self-taught dev, enjoying the SDLC as a hobby. Projected to have a BS in Information Technology with web and mobile programming cognate mid 2025. Self-proclaimed coffee snob, husky wrangler, and video game addict.
I consider front-end development to be my strongsuit, mainly in the TS/JS realm, and most of my experience is in React/Next. I've worked on multiple projects using some of the most common libraries including Bootstrap, Tailwind, SASS, Framer Motion, etc. I also have using the data visualization libraries D3 and Chart.js.
I'm most comfortable using Node.js and Express, and my preferred database combo is Mongo & Mongoose. However, I also have experience working with SQL and MySQL. Recently started using Python and Flask to build APIs.
My preferred code editor is VS code, but when I'm writing in Java I use the EclipseIDE. I am very comfortable with Git and Github for version control. I have working knowledge of AWS, Docker, and Postman.